Monday 6 June 2022

Time to Pay


It’s time to end the cruel practice of charities and funders expecting people to contribute value to projects, programmes, reports and consultations, without any recompense for their time and insights.

It’s an act perpetuated by far too many of our great and good, who treat both those deemed to be 'their beneficiaries', as well as those like myself operating as 'expert consultants', with complete disregard to our true status. We can not just be expected to exist to serve within the not for profit sector unless those with the power of funded resource are willing to treat the time, views and stories of others they value with the respect that payment affords.     

And no, a shopping voucher, coffee paid on your company credit card, or entry to a prize draw, will not always do. Sometimes these are welcome and sensible, but only when they meet the litmus test of whether we would be happy to receive the same for what someone is being asked to give. Imagine what it would feel like to find your monthly salary replaced with an amazon voucher or the slim chance to win a car you can't even afford the driving lessons for?

While no one forces those like myself to contribute - and I for one am always grateful to be given the chance to influence any decision making - the ability to volunteer often depends not just on the good will of individuals but their financial stability to be able to offer free time.  That is a luxury and privilege that not everyone can support. 

The generous #leadership that I, and the young people I work with, respect most of all is that which looks to invest in the capacity of others, proactively nurturing rather than just taking. The day I find an email offering me funding to invest in young people's talents will be the magical moment when I know the world has finally turned #AdvantagedThinking.

If this is a sector that really cares about #equity and power sharing, it must look to its own practices to be more generously empathetic in interactions with those external to itself.  It’s easy to spot the difference between those who exploit and those who empower. Which one are you?

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